It's been a long time coming, but the moving is over and the paint is fresh! Here we are! Unveiling at last our NEW look! For those of you who subscribe, you have probably noticed some changes already! Our new look is old fashioned, nostalgic, and yes even kitsch; we hope you think it is fun!
What is new? There are new pages and categories for you to explore...and a new vintage block to download at our Craftsy store! The Nostalgia button will take you to our little "museum" with images from the past--if you are a long time reader, you will get a kick out of seeing some of the old photos and graphics we once had! We added "From the Back Steps" which will feature a personal message as well as a new Erik's Tip! Did you know you can click on the "Erik's Tips" page to see past tips? There is a new About Us Page and the Press Page is in the works.
We took out the book lists to make more room for upcoming projects and refreshed our graphics! Those book titles were moved into our Amazon aStore (click on the refrigerator in the upper left side to enter the store and find the same categories!)
Most everything is in the same spot as before...right where we last left it, so you should have no trouble navigating around! And, of course, Ben Franklin is right where he was!
We hope you like our new look! Click around a bit and check things out! If you can't find something or need help locating anything, drop us a note (our email address is now on the topmost upper right corner!)...but do watch out for the wet's still fresh! Have fun, happy sewing, and we will be back with more new projects and ideas soon!
It's wonderful to see you! Please leave a comment, if you's always great to hear from a friend!